
Modern Slavery Policy

1. Purpose and Commitment

Akhirah Ltd is fully committed to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business operations and supply chains. We uphold a zero-tolerance approach to any form of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, or human trafficking. This policy outlines our commitment to ethical business practices and our efforts to prevent modern slavery in our operations and those of our suppliers.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, consultants, and any third parties or suppliers engaged by Akhirah Ltd, regardless of geographic location. It applies to all aspects of our business, ensuring that we uphold human rights and ethical standards across all levels of our operations.

3. Policy Statement

Akhirah Ltd strictly prohibits modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms. We are committed to conducting business responsibly, identifying and mitigating risks of modern slavery, and working only with partners who share our commitment to ethical practices. We also strive to raise awareness of modern slavery within our organization and among our suppliers, encouraging vigilance and accountability.

4. Definitions

For the purposes of this policy, modern slavery is defined as:
• Slavery and Servitude: Exercising ownership over another person or forcing individuals to work against their will.
• Forced or Compulsory Labor: Any work or service that a person is forced to perform under the threat of punishment or harm.
• Human Trafficking: The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons through coercion or deception for the purpose of exploitation.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 Management Responsibilities

Akhirah Ltd management is responsible for implementing and enforcing this policy. This includes:
• Ensuring that all business operations are free from modern slavery and human trafficking.
• Assessing potential risks of modern slavery in operations and supply chains.
• Educating employees and suppliers on the signs of modern slavery.
• Conducting regular reviews to assess compliance with this policy.

5.2 Employee Responsibilities

Employees of Akhirah Ltd are expected to uphold our commitment to preventing modern slavery. This includes:
• Being vigilant for signs of modern slavery within the workplace or among suppliers.
• Reporting any concerns or suspicions regarding modern slavery to their manager or HR.
• Complying with the principles of this policy and any related training provided by Akhirah Ltd.

6. Risk Assessment and Due Diligence

Akhirah Ltd conducts regular risk assessments to identify areas where there is a higher risk of modern slavery within our business or supply chain. We evaluate:
• The nature and geographic locations of our suppliers and their practices.
• The potential risks associated with staffing services in the agriculture and farming sectors.
• Engagement with suppliers and third parties to ensure they share our commitment to preventing modern slavery.

7. Supplier and Partner Due Diligence

Akhirah Ltd conducts due diligence on suppliers and partners before engagement to ensure they uphold ethical labor practices. This process includes:
• Requiring suppliers to confirm their compliance with applicable anti-slavery and human trafficking laws.
• Reviewing supplier policies, certifications, and records related to labor practices.
• Including contractual clauses in supplier agreements that require adherence to anti-slavery principles.

8. Training and Awareness

Akhirah Ltd is committed to raising awareness of modern slavery risks among employees. We provide training to ensure employees:
• Recognize the signs of modern slavery, including those specific to recruitment and staffing.
• Understand their responsibilities under this policy.
• Know how to report any concerns regarding modern slavery safely and confidentially.

9. Reporting Concerns

Akhirah Ltd encourages all employees and suppliers to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery. We are committed to providing a safe and confidential environment for reporting, and employees may report concerns without fear of retaliation. Reports can be made to:
• Human Resources (HR): Employees can directly contact HR for guidance and support on reporting concerns.
• Line Manager: Employees may also report concerns to their immediate supervisor, who will escalate the matter as appropriate.

10. Investigation and Remedial Actions

Akhirah Ltd will take all reports of modern slavery seriously and will promptly investigate any allegations or concerns. Investigation procedures include:
• Reviewing all evidence related to the report, including employee testimony and supplier records.
• Engaging relevant authorities and experts if necessary.
• Taking immediate action if a supplier or contractor is found to be involved in modern slavery, which may include terminating the relationship.

If an employee is found to be involved in practices contrary to this policy, Akhirah Ltd will take disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

11. Policy Review and Compliance

Akhirah Ltd will review this policy annually to ensure compliance with evolving laws and regulations related to modern slavery and human trafficking. Any updates will be communicated to employees, and additional training will be provided as necessary.

12. Acknowledgment

This policy has been reviewed and approved by management, demonstrating Akhirah Ltd’s commitment to ethical labor practices and the prevention of modern slavery in all areas of business.

Manager’s Signature: __________________________
Date: __________________________

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